Sunday, October 19, 2008

Follow the Prophet...

Spoken thoughts from my dad:

The old testament is weird. I think we will all be good for salvation if we get to compare ourselves against old testament prophets and their families. That’s just my opinion but I think we live the gospel much better than they did. Favorite wives, favorite children, jealousy, hatred, revenge, adultery, incest, cutting up your enemies into small pieces. We do have the advantage of the law of Moses being fulfilled but still… THEY WERE PROPHETS!


Danielle said...

Your dad is wise.

xister said...

Did you dad give you this counsel because you have having problems with favorite wives, favorite children, jealousy, hatred, revenge, adultery, incest, and cutting up your enemies into small pieces?

Jerry said...

hmmm....maybe counsel isn't the best word.

jaclyn weist said...

Interesting thoughts... he does have a point...